Sunday, January 22, 2017

Flying Cheap

The current state of the regional airline industry is a rapidly changing sector in the air transport industry. I believe that’s there’s a pilot shortage in the aviation industry in general. The pilot shortage is not only based upon projected retirements. The requirements have changed after Colgan Air Flight 3407 accident in 2009. The most significant change was the increasing of the qualification required for first officers who fly for U.S. passenger and cargo airlines. The new regulation requires first officers to have at least 1,500 hours total time as a pilot. Also, it requires first officers to have an ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) certificate. However, the old regulation required only 250 hours of flight time. The pilot shortage caused by the new requirements in the industry. You need more money and more time in order to be a first officer. According to Fitzpatrick (2016), the regional airlines problem that they can’t find qualified people to fly their planes.

The 1,500 hours requirement costs students more money in order to become a pilot. A study shows that student pilots have to spend more than $150,000 for the required training to obtain the hours need and the college degree. The regional airlines do not pay big salaries as entry-level job for new pilots. The regional airline goal is to keep the cost down and they end up with pay the crew less than what they deserve as professionals. On my opinion, the best solution is the regional airlines have to pay more salaries to encourage more pilots to fly their planes. The other good solution would be to reduce the required hours in order for to become a first officer in a regional airline to acceptable amount of hours. It’s a difficult to implement a new regulation especially this regulation, which was a response to a fetal accident.

Some of the organizations that represent the remainder of the industry:
·      Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA).
·      Aircraft Builders Council (ABC).
·      General Aviation Manufacturer's Association (GAMA)
·      American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)
·      Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA)
·      Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA)

I would say professionalism is not only about achieving high degree in a specific subject. On my opinion, professionalism is a combination of knowledge, experience and how to use them in your profession.

In the documentary, there were couple examples that demonstrate the lack of professionalism by both pilots and management. First example, the management shouldn’t hire the captain because he had only about 600 hours total flight time. Second example, when pilots incorrectly respond to the aerodynamic stall. Also, there was no leadership in the cockpit. The first officer was fatigued and sick but she made her go decision because of the management will not her.

Yes, I agree that the first year pay and the compensation structure of a regional airline was one of the contributing factors in the lack of professionalism demonstrated in the documentary. The management was concerned about making money more than making safe operations. The hire freshly graduated pilots with average salary around $20,000 for the first officers with a minimum benefits. I wouldn’t apply for a job with my degree that will not equal to the effort that I put in order to get my degree.

I would expand my knowledge and read about the stuff that I am working with. If course everyday you are going to experience new things in the aviation industry. I will maintain and expand my professionalism level by having more knowledge and experience in my field. Also, I’m planning to obtain get a master degree after my bachelor’s degree.



  1. Hey there,
    I agree with your statement that the pay is so low that it can cause people to change their career path. However, any job that you wish to have you have to pay dues and start off on the bottom. Your aviation degree will get you that 200,000$ captain seat but it will not come easy like anything in life. It would be nice to see the salary increase but if you really want to fly you'll get through those regional years.

  2. Ali,
    I agree with your statement that their is a pilot shortage and pilot pay shortage. The increased hour requirements and small salary has certainly been a contributing factor with regionals hiring qualified pilots. I also agree that the pilots low time and low experience were a contributing factor to the colgan accident. Two inexperienced pilots together can lead to very unsafe flights.

